- 440-933-7733
- 511 Abbe Rd N, Suite G, Elyria, OH 44035
- Mon: 12:00 - 6:00 pm, Tue - Fri: 12:00 - 7:00 pm, Sat: 12:00 - 5:00 pm
Home Décor Items

Stop in to see the variety of home décor items we carry at Seeds of Wellness:
Salt Lamps:
- Himalayan salt lamps in a variety of shapes and sizes
- Selenite lamps with single and double towers
- Himalayan salt and selenite tea light holders
Stained glass suncatchers – handmade by a local artisan Janice Kendzior
Singing Bowls and Tingshas
Ave.ART – products made by individuals at New Avenues to Independence
- Blank cards
- Coasters
- Jewelry
- Paintings
Other handmade items:
- Dreamcatchers
- Himalayan salt shot glasses
- Pot holders
- Windchimes
The items in our home reflect our personality and bring us happiness, comfort and/or security. Some home décor items bring other benefits to our lives.
Himalayan Salt Lamps
The health benefits of salt has been known for centuries and used often to dry and rid sinuses of bacteria. There are many different types of salt, but Himalayan salt is considered the purest salt on earth. Himalayan salt contains over 84 natural minerals and trace elements and found deep within the Himalayan Mountains where minimal air pollutants are found.
Himalayan salt lamp benefits may include the following:
- May cleanse the air
- Removes moisture from the air
- Doesn’t affect your sleep when used as a night light
- May help improve your mood and boost your energy levels
- Releases negative ions into the air
Selenite Lamps
Selenite, a form of gypsum, allows light to pass through it easily. Unlike Himalayan salt lamps, selenite lamps don’t need heat to activate certain benefits. Therefore, colored lights and LED lights can be used in these lamps to match your home décor.
Benefits of Selenite Lamps:
- Clears negative energy from the environment including plants, animals, and people
- Calms the nervous system
- Helps bring good luck and abundance
- Good for meditation and spiritual work
Singing Bowls
Signing bowls can be played by holding them in the palm of your hand, sitting on a special pillow/donut made for singing bowls, or sitting on a ring. While holding the mallet low on the handle, firmly press it against the outside rim of the bowl and move the mallet in a slow circular clockwise motion. The circular motion works best if you use your arm as well as your wrist. Some signing bowls sing when the circular motion is done on the outside belly of the bowl.
Singing bowls provide many benefits:
- Promotes Deep Relaxation and Pain Relief
- Reduces Stress and Anxiety
- Balances the Chakras
- Aids the Immune System
- Increases Mental Clarity
- Improves Circulation and Blood Flow
- “The Amazing Health Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps” by Jenny Hill on Healthy and Natural World
- “11 Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps” by Kayla Idayi on Manifests Magic
- “Himalayan Salt Lamp Benefits: Facts, Myths and How to Use Them” by Katie Wells on Wellness Mama
- “Selenite Lamps and Towers; the benefits” by Kylie Bank on Purify Mind & Body
- “6 Amazing Benefits of Using Singing Bowl” on YourPositiveOasis
- “The Benefits of Tibetan Singing Bowls” by Cathy Wong on verywellmind